SURFACE systems + technology GmbH & Co. KG
SURFACE nanometrology
SURFACE nanometrology News Ticker:
New: Market launch of our sm@rt 500 nanoindenter system. Small in design - big in performance.
SURFACE nanometrology News Ticker:
New: Micro controller controlled Humidity Controller for material science investigations
New: 200 mm automated vacuum chuck for the G200 nanoindenter allows measurement of the entire wafer surface under constant measurement conditions (frame stiffness)
SURFACE PLD Technology News Ticker:
New: Battery Workstation delivered to Cambridge University , GB. It combines three different physical coating processes with a glove box: PLD, sputtering, thermal evaporation and all on a single standard workstation system frame
New: Insitu- Beamline PLD System installed at Karlsruhe KIT allows unique thin film investigations in the synchrotron beam

Glovebox Deposition System

Maple target holder

Key features

  • Substrate handling under clean and controlled gas atmosphere outside the vacuum chamber: < 1ppm O2 or H2O
  • Universal vacuum system for different kinds of thin film technologies
  • Glovebox conditions and deposition process controlled via highly flexible PC software
  • Customer oriented system design
  • Glovebox integration in existing gas cleaning systems
  • The highly flexible feature flange concept enables an easy change of the deposition technique

Process integration into protecting gas atmosphere

A lot of materials have to be protected from any contact with air or humidity before or after a deposition process, often the user itself needs to be saved from the processed materials as well. Glove box systems provide a secure interaction in both cases. SURFACE adds to it‘s deposition systems such protecting boxes. The glove box for such process is always individually designed to allow the best interaction and control of the deposition process and a secure handling of the substrates and deposition materials under the difficult glove box conditions. The modular design of the SURFACE vacuum chambers allows a maximum in individual solutions at a minimum in costs. The compactness of the final systems allows the customer an optimum of use over many years.

Customized system solutions

SURFACE is known for it‘s excellent systems design. Since 1993 these systems are known for high quality engineering "Made in Germany", most of them have customized components integrated. SURFACE is always willing to deliver systems taylor made for the individual customer.

Therefore SURFACE can offer a wide range of deposition techniques that can be integrated in a glovebox system. An easy change of the deposition techniques is enabled by the feature flange concept.

  • Magnetron sputtering
  • PLD
  • Ion beam sputter deposition (IBS)
  • High temperature annealing
  • Rapid thermmal annealing
  • Plasma CVD
  • Discrete substrates as well as foils from a roll

Product Photos

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Wednesday, 2025-02-12  00:55