SURFACE systems + technology GmbH & Co. KG
SURFACE nanometrology
SURFACE nanometrology News Ticker:
New: Market launch of our sm@rt 500 nanoindenter system. Small in design - big in performance.
SURFACE nanometrology News Ticker:
New: Micro controller controlled Humidity Controller for material science investigations
New: 200 mm automated vacuum chuck for the G200 nanoindenter allows measurement of the entire wafer surface under constant measurement conditions (frame stiffness)
SURFACE PLD Technology News Ticker:
New: Battery Workstation delivered to Cambridge University , GB. It combines three different physical coating processes with a glove box: PLD, sputtering, thermal evaporation and all on a single standard workstation system frame
New: Insitu- Beamline PLD System installed at Karlsruhe KIT allows unique thin film investigations in the synchrotron beam

Vacuum Chamber LED Lights

Darkness was yesterday – now SURFACE LED lights show you all the details!

New: Shop online for SURFACE LED lights!

Product Features

See the difference - LED Lights
Click to see the difference!
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  • Bright lighting for any UHV system
  • Viewports stay available due to ring light design
  • Low heat dissipation
  • Stays in place in any orientation (with additional clamps)

LED Flange Lights – Perfect Lighting for Your Vacuum System

SURFACE LED Lights are based on the most powerful white LED technology with highest light output. The LEDs have extremely low heat dissipation, so they can safely be mounted directly onto glass viewports. The LED Lights are easy to handle and fit to any UHV chamber.

Avoid the constant nuisance from gooseneck lamps or other lamps not designed for vacuum chamber lighting – they never stay in place and always block the viewport! SURFACE LED Lights can be mounted to any standard CF viewport. The window type LED Lights have a ring of LEDs mounted close to the edge of the viewport, so they keep the viewport available and ensure perfect illumination from the direction of view.

On viewports with positive orientation (window facing upwards, up to an angle of 60°), the lights can just be placed onto the viewports. For vertical viewports or viewports facing down, additional clamps are available to hold the light safely in place.

The LED Lights are supplied by 24 VDC. This is a very common control voltage readily available on most UHV systems. Each light comes with a power switch in the power cord. If needed, a separate power supply is available to feed up to 6 LED Lights.

Special versions, e.g. for camera applications, are available upon request.

Available Versions

FlangeFlange (US)TypeOuter Diameter [mm]Inner bore diameter [mm]Height [mm]
CF 352.75"window752620
CF 352.75"beamer75n/a20
CF 634.5"window1154820
CF 1006"window1507220
CF 1508"window20011720
CF 352.75"camera ring light with mounting bracket
max. camera lens diameter 33 mm

All lights operate on 24 VDC and mount to flanges with up to 60° tilt. For vertical or downward facing flanges holding clamps are needed. The standard cable length is 2 meters.

Accessories & Options

  • 24 VDC power supply to feed up to 6 LED Lights (up to 500 mA max. current). Distribution plug with 1.5 m cable included. Please specify the line voltage and plug type for the power supply.
  • Clamps to fix the LED Lights onto flanges with negative angle orientation (vertical viewport or viewport facing downwards). Please specify the bolt type (hex head, hex socket, twelve point, etc.) on your flange.
  • Dimmer switch for continuous adjustment of lamp brightness.
  • USB camera with C-mount lens for camera ring light, 1/3" CMOS 1280×1024 pixels (1.3 megapixel class)

Product Photos

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Wednesday, 2025-02-12  02:40