SURFACE systems + technology GmbH & Co. KG
SURFACE nanometrology
SURFACE nanometrology News Ticker:
New: Market launch of our sm@rt 500 nanoindenter system. Small in design - big in performance.
SURFACE nanometrology News Ticker:
New: Micro controller controlled Humidity Controller for material science investigations
New: 200 mm automated vacuum chuck for the G200 nanoindenter allows measurement of the entire wafer surface under constant measurement conditions (frame stiffness)
SURFACE PLD Technology News Ticker:
New: Battery Workstation delivered to Cambridge University , GB. It combines three different physical coating processes with a glove box: PLD, sputtering, thermal evaporation and all on a single standard workstation system frame
New: Insitu- Beamline PLD System installed at Karlsruhe KIT allows unique thin film investigations in the synchrotron beam

SURFACE & SURFACE systems+technology GmbH & Co. KG


SURFACE systems+technology GmbH & Co. KG
Rheinstr. 7
D-41836 Hückelhoven
Tel. +49-(0)2433-970305
Fax: +49-(0)2433-970302
USt-Id.-Nr. DE814401849
Kommanditgesellschaft: Sitz Hückelhoven, Amtsgericht Mönchengladbach HRA 5700
Komplementär: SURFACE Verwaltungs GmbH, Sitz Hückelhoven, Amtsgericht Mönchengladbach HRB 9034
Geschäftsführer: Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Stein

Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Stein
SURFACE nanometrology
Rheinstr. 7
D-41836 Hückelhoven
Tel. +49-(0)2433-970305
Fax: +49-(0)2433-970302
USt.-Id.-Nr. DE 122380989
Geschäftsführer: Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Stein

Inhaltlich Verantwortlicher gemäß §10 Absatz 3 MDStV:
Herr Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Stein (Anschrift wie oben)


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Wednesday, 2025-02-12  02:43