SURFACE systems+technology GmbH & Co. KG Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) systems, UHV systems and components are known for their quality and performance. Innovations and improvements, either triggered by the user or derived from our experience, are brought to live in the shortest possible timeframe. SURFACE systems+technology GmbH & Co. KG systems are delivered and installed on a turn-key basis by our well trained team of engineers and technicians. This minimizes the installation time and reduces the planning and coordinating efforts for our customers.
Three PLD platforms and a UHV Cluster Tool are available:
The compact all-in-one PLD systemLaser MBE
UHV PLD system with load lock, expandable to Laster Star ClusterLaser Star
The modular UHV cluster deposition/analysis systemLarge Area PLD Systems
Customized system design, fitted to the actual application.
UHV Materials Science Systems
In addition to our PLD product line, our standard cluster tool modules can be modified to satisfy individual and complex demands of our customers. We can provide additional deposition and analysis chambers, e.g. for sputtering, and individual transfer stages.
UHV and PLD Components
A range of components for deposition and analysis chambers are available, like the high-pressure RHEED system, or LED ring lights for standard vacuum viewports.
R-DEC Co.,Ltd. Products

SURFACE is the European distributor for R-DEC products like RHEED electron guns and the new PICO-RHEED system.