SURFACE systems + technology GmbH & Co. KG
SURFACE nanometrology
SURFACE nanometrology News Ticker:
New: Market launch of our sm@rt 500 nanoindenter system. Small in design - big in performance.
SURFACE nanometrology News Ticker:
New: Micro controller controlled Humidity Controller for material science investigations
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New: Battery Workstation delivered to Cambridge University , GB. It combines three different physical coating processes with a glove box: PLD, sputtering, thermal evaporation and all on a single standard workstation system frame
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Sample Heating/Cooling Stage

Heating and cooling stage
Click to enlarge


  • −40°C to +200°C
  • Temperature stability ±0.01°C
  • Mini enclosure for purge with dry/inert gas
  • Compatible to standard sample tray of the Agilent G200/XP
  • Available for other commercial nanoindenters upon request

Heating and Cooling for Nanoindentation

Mechanical properties measured with nanoindentation techniques are frequently very sensitive to temperature. For some application, also temperatures below 0°C have to be accessible.

SURFACE offers a flexible heating/cooling system which covers a temperature range from −40°C to +200°C (not continuously, see specifications below). The sample holder is compatible to the standard sample tray of the Agilent G200/XP nanoindenters (other brands/models upon request). The system also includes a two-piece cover plate for mounting to the XP head. A big transparent polycarbonate plate covers the whole sample tray during the measurement, and a smaller center plate is adjusted to create a secure parking position for the indenter tip.

The Sample Enclosure

When cooling a sample below the dewpoint of the ambient air, it is essential to avoid condensation and ice formation on the sample surface. To achieve this, a flexible wall surrounds the heating/cooling table. Together with the cover plate, this forms a small environmental chamber that can be purged with dry or inert gas.

The temperature range, stability (±0.01°C), and enclosure make the SURFACE heating/cooling stage ideally suited for:

without purge
−31°C, inert gas 2 s off
Click to enlarge
with purge
−31°C with inert gas purge
Click to enlarge
  • Polymer research
  • Biological research
  • Medical research
  • Construction material research

Biological Research

For biological and medical research applications, the system can be shipped as a temperature controlled liquid cell.

Optional: useable with SURFACE Humidity Controller

Heating and cooling stage
Click to enlarge
  • Purging gas flow can be combined with humitity controller
  • Controlling temperature and humidity at sample location
  • Combined software interface for temperature and humidity
  • Humidity range: 0...90 % RH, depending on temperature
  • Temperature range of humidity sensor: -40...+125 °C


Compatibility: Agilent G200/XP compatible sample tray, contact us for other brands/models
Sample size: max. 25 mm diameter
Heating: 200°C*
Cooling: −40°C*
Temperature stability: ±0.01°C
Temperature sensor: 2 sensors, one PT100 integrated into the sample stage, one PT100 located in the cooling/heating bath
Purge: Integrated inert gas purge system (e.g. Ar)
Controller: Self-tuning PID controller
Interface: RS-232
Pump: 22–26 l/min
Connection: 2 m hose connection to stage
Power requirements: 230 VAC, 2000 W

*) max./min. temperatures depend on the circulation/bath liquid used. To reach −40°C, a special low viscosity liquid is used which reduces the upper limit to 180°C.

Product Photos

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Wednesday, 2025-02-12  00:59