SURFACE systems + technology GmbH & Co. KG
SURFACE nanometrology
SURFACE nanometrology News Ticker:
New: Market launch of our sm@rt 500 nanoindenter system. Small in design - big in performance.
SURFACE nanometrology News Ticker:
New: Micro controller controlled Humidity Controller for material science investigations
New: 200 mm automated vacuum chuck for the G200 nanoindenter allows measurement of the entire wafer surface under constant measurement conditions (frame stiffness)
SURFACE PLD Technology News Ticker:
New: Battery Workstation delivered to Cambridge University , GB. It combines three different physical coating processes with a glove box: PLD, sputtering, thermal evaporation and all on a single standard workstation system frame
New: Insitu- Beamline PLD System installed at Karlsruhe KIT allows unique thin film investigations in the synchrotron beam


1st European Symposium on nanomechanical testing


Preliminary Program


in the "Gründer und Service Zentrum Hückelhoven" in Hückelhoven / Germany


organized in collaboration with



07.11.2000 to 09.11.2000

Program Committee:
Prof. Dr. Peter Grau / Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Dr. Mathias Göken / Universität des Saarlandes
Dr. Ude Hangen / SURFACE


Tuesday, 7.Nov. 2000

  • Arrival
  • Come together in the GSZH-Hückelhoven

Wednesday, 8.Nov. 2000

Fundamentals of nanoIndentation ---------- Chair: Dr. Bull

  • Comparison of the Meyer`s power law and physically founded relations to analyse the load dependence of the hardness by nanoindentation experiments
    Enders / Berg / Grau : Universität Halle / Germany
  • Comparison of methods for the determination of an indenter area function
    Chudoba / Herrmann : Universität Chemnitz / Germany
  • The P - h2 relationship in indentation
    den Toonder / Malzbender : Philips / Eindhoven / Holland

Application of nanoIndentation I ---------- Chair: Prof. Dr. Grau

  • Extracting hardness from load-displacement curves
    Bull : University of Newcastle / UK
  • The Effect of Temperature and Strain Rate on the Hardness of Al and Al-based Metallic Foams as Measured by Nanoindentation
    Kraft / Vogt / Schwaiger : MPI Metallforschung Stuttgart / Germany
  • Nanoindenter as a penetration viscosimeter
    Meinhard / Grau : Universität Halle / Germany

Application of nanoIndentation II ---------- Chair: Dr. Kraft

  • Aspects and prospects of instrumented depth sensing nanoindentation
    Wolf, Belger, Paufler : Universität Dresden / Germany
  • Micro- and Nanohardness Testing of Single-Crystalline GaAs
    Schaper, Chudoba, Hammer, Jurisch, Wolf, Bergner: Universität Dresden / Germany
  • Hardness depth profiling on nm-scale
    Kunert/Baretzky : MPI Metallforschung Stuttgart / Germany
  • Nano-hardness measurements as an optimisation tool in the industrial process
    Richarz/ Müller : FRT / Bergisch -Gladbach / Germany

nanoIndentation on Polymers and BiomateriaIs ---------- Chair: Prof. Dr. Schaper

  • Dynamic Stiffness Measurement for Characterisation of Visco-elastic Materials
    Downs, Warren, Daugela : Hysitron, Inc. Minneapolis / USA
  • Local Mechanical Properties of Dentin measured by Nanoindentation and its Correlation to Structural Parameters
    Tesch, Eidelman, Goldenberg, Roschger,Klaushofer, Fratzl : Erich Schmid Institute of Materials Science, Leoben, Austria
  • Mechanical properties of in situ Demineralised Tooth Enamel studied with AFM Nanoindentation
    Finke, Jandt, Hughes, Parker : University of Bristol / UK

Thursday, 9.Nov. 2000

Friction and Wear under single asperity contacts ---------- Chair: Dr. Göken

  • nano-Tribology tested with the AFM
    Hölscher / Schwarz : Universität Hamburg / Germany
  • nanomechanical and nanotribological behavior of thin DLC coatings on different substrates
    Staedler / Schiffmann : FHG-IST Braunschweig / Germany
  • Scratch testing on Mohs minerals
    Hangen : SURFACE / Hückelhoven / Germany

Acoustic characterisation of materials ---------- Chair: Dr. Hangen

  • Laser-acoustics, a method for testing coatings and material surfaces
    Schneider / Schultrich : FHG-IWS Dresden / Germany
  • Acoustic Emission Monitoring of Nanoindentation and Nanoscratch / wear
    Daugela : Hysitron, Inc. Minneapolis / USA

Application of nanoIndentation III ---------- Chair: Dr. Jandt

  • Nanohardness Measurements for Industrial Process Development
    Michler/Dommann : Neu-Technikum Buchs / Switzerland
  • Deformation Curves of Ta-silicide thin films obtained in interrupted nano-Indentation experiments
    Dub, Makogon, Pavlova, Sidorenko : Institute for superhard materials / Kiev / Ukraine
  • Pop-ins in nanoindentations - the intial yield point
    Göken : Universität des Saarlandes / Saarbrücken / Germany

Quantitative AFM Analysis of materials

  • Application of AFM in Ferrous Metallography
    Ros Yanez / Houbaert : Universiteit Gent / Belgium
  • Tip Convolution
    Vinzelberg : Veeco / Mannheim / Germany
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Wednesday, 2025-01-15  10:16